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High Current Comparators & Power Supplies

High Current Comparators And Power Supplies


Vidac Solutions has much experience creating safe low voltage current for use in several areas of product testing. We recently delivered a 0-6,000 Amp Current Comparator for use as a final test at a CT manufacturer.

Designed in 3D, this custom unit fills the gap between the comparator manufacturers and the production floor. Vidac Solutions does not manufacture CT Comparators, but this unit (and others like it) are used to provide the complex high-current switching, buss-work, source current supply into an enclosure that fits into the production line and provides a safe, ergonomic and easy to use machine for the operators.

  • 0-10 VAC
  • 0-10,000 Amp Supply
  • 0-7,000 Amp Measuring Range (plus 50% over-range)
  • Fully isolated high current section
  • Automatic CT Detection (to avoid open secondary windings)
  • Automatic Burden switching
  • Light curtain safety
  • Simple, 4 Button operation
  • Touch-Panel for Engineering and Maintenance Functions
  • Allen-Bradley Compact Logix safety and control
  • Pacific Power variable power supply with variable frequency control

Power Supplies

If you are having a difficult time finding an off-the-shelf power supply for your testing or production needs, Vidac Solutions can help. We have the high voltage / high current control experience to provide an accurate, trouble free power supply that will meet your needs for many years.

Some examples of what we have provided:

  • Single Phase 0-280 VAC regulated supply with remote setpoint and integral power meter. Used for HVAC testing.
  • Multi-bay linear DC supply with remote setpoint and monitoring.
  • On-the-fly switching from series to parallel operaton for quick change-over. Used for Aerospace flight computer control testing.
  • High Current AC Power Supplies to provide up to 6000 Amps of regulated current. Used for UL Certification Testing at a compression lug manufacturer.
  • Portable AC power supplies to provide up to 400 Amps of regulated current. Used for UL Certification Testing of wire nuts.
  • Three Phase 240-600 VAC regulated supply with up to 100 Amp output (range dependent). Used for capacitor testing.
  • Three Phase 240 VAC regulated supply with 24 individually controlled SCR outputs. Several of these were used for heater testing in Aerospace applications.
  • Dozens of other custom supplies that were built into our electrical test systems.